Dear Participants of the Conference,
We are delighted to invite You to participate in the 30th International Scientific-Practice Conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY 2024″ organized by Vytautas Magnus University which will be held on 8-10 May, 2024. Conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY” is organized annually on occasion of the International Days of Health, Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety & Health and on the 100th Anniversary of Agriculture Academy in Lithuania and the Department of Medicinal Plants of the First Lithuanian University Botanical Garden (1924–2024).
The aim of the Conference is to discuss interrelated problems of human health & safety, the development of various technological innovations, environmental issues, to disseminate state-of-the-art research knowledge and to create opportunities for scientists and young researchers to share the research results not only among researchers and students, but also for professionals in agriculture and forestry, environmental and health sciences and other fields emphasizing the importance of human safety and environmental protection.
Conference announcement (*.pdf)
Conference sections:
- Biosystem Engineering (9th May, 2024):
– Technical and technological innovation for sustainable production;
– Precision engineering technologies and environmental protection;
– Technology safety, occupational risk, ergonomics;
– Water engineering. - Environment and Health (8th May, 2024):
Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Medicinal Plants of the First Lithuanian University Botanical Garden (1924–2024)
– Research of risk factors in living environment and their effects on human health;
– Conservation, research, rational and sustainable use of biodiversity. - Ecology, Sustainable Forestry (10th May, 2024):
– Environmental research of agro, hydro and forestry ecosystems;
– Sustainable development, protected areas, environmental impact of human activities;
– Silviculture, forest protection and multi-purpose use, recreational forestry;
– Hunting research, management of wild animal populations.
Conference seminars:
- Medicinal, spice (aromatic) plants: current trends and future perspectives (8th May, 2024).
Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Medicinal Plants of the First Lithuanian University Botanical Garden (1924–2024) - The relationship between human and nature (10th May, 2024).
Conference languages are Lithuanian and English.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of Organising Committee of International Scientific-Practice Conference “HUMAN AND NATURE SAFETY”.